Revolutionizing Biotechnology.

What do we do?
The company combines electro-optics and biotechnology in an innovative field portable package for detecting bacteria in water. This technology will provide the world's first quantative, real time identification system for bacteria in water. The company's products will have a significant benefit to the water and beverage industry increasing public safety and consumer confidence, reducing system down time and enabling companies to protect their brand image from the negative publicity associated with disease outbreaks.
The hydrosense technology can be adapted to a variety of industries, in the first instance the product will be a field portable instrument - iST1280. The first test cartridge will be developed to test for Legionella - other pathogens are planned for the future inc:
- Pseudomonads.
- Coliforms.
The second generation product will be an in-process system capable of real time detection of pathogens in the production process.
If you would like to discuss specific technology applications please contact us on email